Monday, March 15, 2010

Are they really gone?

When the black hole of death
Swallows all
For the ultimate journey
When they get the call

The life force
In the thousands and millons born
Upon body's loss
Where are they just gone?

Into the heaven,vast
Leaving behind the past?
To merge with the God
The bodies and the souls,he lords?

They lesve to be reborn?
In another land,In another form?
Or just walk around,
Past us making no sound?

Are they really lost?
Or can they live as ghosts?
Or are they living in us?
As the love,which on us,they bless?


whoami said...

Have thought about it too couple of times but didnt find any answer!

വാല്‍നക്ഷത്രം said...

Yup..Some questions cant really be answered.